
2, Turgenevsky Lane

Phone: (+ 7-863-4)-38-35-28 

Open from 9 a.m. to 17 p.m. 

Days off are on Saturdays and Sundays 

Cleanup day is the last Monday

 of every month

On the 1st of January, 1957 under the A. P. Chekhov City Central Public Library a sector of handling was arranged in which books were classified according to the Universal Decimal classification (UDC), technically handled and catalogued. The sector wasacquired a status of Department in 1958. 

In 1979 after uniting of all the libraries of the city into the Centralized Library System the functions of theDepartment of Stockpiling and Handling Documents were expanded. In connection with centralizing the libraries all the literature acquired are registered in the registration catalogue that is a general alphabetical catalogue of the Centralized Library System. 

The principal tasks of the Department are as follows: stockpiling the Integrated stock of the MSFIC ofthe CLS of Taganrog with documents on different mediums; arranging summed up and individual registering of documents; cataloguing, systematizeing, and handling doc uments. The Department is a methodical and consulting centre on the problems of lines of the Department functions not only for the structure sectors of the MSFIC of the CLS of Taganrog, but also for the libraries of the different agencies and departments, and publishing organizations.